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Awinic donated a special fund of 150,000 yuan to the Red Cross Society of Minhang District of Shanghai


Earlier this month, in order to help fight COVID-19 and support the prevention and control for the disease in Xinzhuang Town, Shanghai, Awinic donated a special fund of 150,000 yuan for epidemic prevention to the Red Cross Society of Minhang District of Shanghai.



A prosperous, stable and healthy society is the premise for the constant and steady development of companies. Although, Awinicers can’t join the fight against covid-19 the way that medical staffs do, all Awinicers care about the prevention of the epidemic a lot and have joined the fight against COVID-19 in their own ways. Meantime, through this donation, Awinicers hope that more people will join the battle and together win the battle in the end.


After the work resumption of Awinic, relevant leaders from Shanghai Minhang Finance Bureau, Minhang Finance Office, Xinzhuang Town, and Xinzhuang Business District (CBD) successively visited Awinic to inspect the arrangement of prevention of the novel coronavirus and helped effectively solved Awinic's actual problems and difficulties encountered in the control and prevention of COVID-19.

At present, a number of domestic branches and offices of Awinic have been safely and orderly resumed production under the guidance of local governments to fully guarantee the smooth progress of IC design and supply. In order to achieve both prevention and control of the disease and resumption of work, Awinic strictly follows and implements the official anti-epidemic measures and introduced a number of emergency measures in workplaces to ensure personnel safety.


In the face of the epidemic, all we can do is work together to fight the epidemic and ensure the on time supply for customers. And we believe, the "epidemic" is only a small difficulty. "Spring" is coming soon. Awinic will continue to actively seize the development opportunities created by China's "intelligent manufacturing", and work with governments at all levels to actively fulfill corporate social responsibility and contribute more to the "intelligent manufacturing" of China IC industry!
